Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

The Accurate Employee’s Files Administration Could Smoothened The Employee Work Activity at PT Bentoel Prima Malang

Analisis kelengkapan data karyawan guna menunjang sistem informasi dan pemberian fasilitas kepada karyawan Di pt bentoel prima malang

Human Resources management have very important role at a company, mostly for PT Bentoel Prima Malang that have groeth into a very big company. Human Resources management is one of the ways to manage the human resources and it’s problem.
The Human Resources position in a company has a very close relationship information owned by the employee at a company, whether at the branch office or at the main office that is on Malang.
PT Bentoel Prima placed at Raya Karanglo street, Malang, is on of the biggest private cigarettes company in Malang. This company runs their business at the trading sector by trade almost of all their products to all over Indonesia. Whereas the goal of this company, which is to expand the jobs field for the unemployment in Indonesia and also to increase the country’s profit through taxes as duty paid that placed on all of it’s various products.
This company owns the organization structures that use the line and staff system. This condition can be seeing from the upperposition as the top to the position below through the alternatives for leaders or bosses.
Considering the importance of files manager as the main source of information for the Human Resources Departement and the other departemen related with the employee work progrees, so the author gives some advice and opinion on the company to avoid the deviation that happened. Everything is based on theory that received by the author at college. That’s why the author lift up the title for his research title as “The Accurate Employee’s Files Administration Could Smoothened The Employee Work Activity at PT Bentoel Prima Malang.


Minggu, 22 Februari 2009


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